const Device = require('../devices/Device.js').Device;
const exc = require('../exc.js');
const inherit = require('../tools.js').inherit;
const PWMLED = require ('./PWMLED.js').PWMLED;
const LED = require ('./LED.js').LED;
exports.RGBLED = RGBLED;
* Represents a full color LED component (composed of red, green, and blue LEDs).
* Connect the common cathode (longest leg) to a ground pin; connect each of
* the other legs (representing the red, green, and blue anodes) to any GPIO
* pins. You can either use three limiting resistors (one per anode) or a
* single limiting resistor on the cathode.
* @param {int} red - The GPIO pin that controls the red component of the RGB LED.
* @param {int} green - The GPIO pin that controls the green component of the RGB LED.
* @param {int} blue - The GPIO pin that controls the blue component of the RGB LED.
* @param {boolean} [active_high] - Set to ``true`` (the default) for common cathode RGB LEDs. If you are
* using a common anode RGB LED, set this to ``false``.
* @param {Array} [initial_value] - The initial color for the RGB LED. Defaults to black ``[0, 0, 0]``.
* @param {boolean} [pwm] - If ``true`` (the default), construct {@link PWMLED} instances for
* each component of the RGBLED. If ``false``, construct regular {@link LED} instances,
* which prevents smooth color graduations.
* @class
* @augments Device
* @throws GPIOPinMissing - If one of the pins is not specified.
function RGBLED(red, green, blue, active_high, initial_value, pwm) {
this._leds = [];
if (red === undefined || blue === undefined || green === undefined) {
throw new exc.GPIOPinMissing('red, green, and blue pins must be provided');
pwm = (pwm === undefined ? true : pwm);
var LEDClass = pwm ? PWMLED : LED;;
this._leds = [new LEDClass(red, active_high), new LEDClass(green, active_high), new LEDClass(blue, active_high)];
if (initial_value === undefined) {
initial_value = [0, 0, 0];
RGBLED.prototype = inherit(Device.prototype);
RGBLED.prototype.constructor = RGBLED;
* Represents the color of the LED as an RGB 3-tuple of ``[red, green, blue]``
* where each value is between 0 and 1 if ``pwm`` was ``true`` when the class was constructed
* (and only 0 or 1 if not).
* @param {Array} [value] - If set, the value for each component will be updated.
* @returns {Array} - If ``value`` is ``undefined`` then returns the current value for each component.
* @throws OutputDeviceBadValue - If three values are not passed as an array in value.
* @throws OutputDeviceBadValue - If any of the RGB values are not between 0 and 1.
* @throws OutputDeviceBadValue - If pwm is false but a value is between 0 and 1.
RGBLED.prototype.value = function(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return [,,];
if (value.length < 3) {
throw new exc.OutputDeviceBadValue('RGB values must be an array of three components');
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (value[i] < 0 || value[i] > 1) {
throw new exc.OutputDeviceBadValue('each RGB component must be between 0 and 1');
if (this._leds[i] instanceof LED) {
if (value[i] !== 0 && value[i] !== 1) {
throw new exc.OutputDeviceBadValue('each RGB color component must be 0 or 1 with non-PWM RGBLEDs');
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
} = this._leds[0].value(); = this._leds[1].value(); = this._leds[2].value();
* Close each pin and release for reuse.
RGBLED.prototype.close = function() {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (this._leds[i] !== undefined) {
this._leds[i] = undefined;
this._leds = [];;
* @returns {boolean} - If the LED is currently active (not black) then ``true`` otherwise ``false``.
RGBLED.prototype.is_active = function() {
return (this.value()[0] + this.value()[1] + this.value()[2] > 0);
* Turn the LED on. This equivalent to setting the LED color to white ``[1, 1, 1]``.
RGBLED.prototype.on = function() {
this.value([1, 1, 1]);
* Turn the LED off. This equivalent to setting the LED color to black ``[0, 0, 0]``.
*/ = function() {
this.value([0, 0, 0]);
* Toggle the state of the device. If the device is currently off (`value` is ``[0, 0, 0[``),
* this changes it to "fully" on (`value` is ``[1, 1, 1]``).
* If the device has a specific color, this method inverts the color.
RGBLED.prototype.toggle = function() {
var current = this.value();
this.value([1 - current[0], 1 - current[1], 1 - current[2]]);
RGBLED.prototype.closed = function() {
return this._leds.length === 0;
/*RGBLED.prototype.blink = function(on_time, off_time, fade_in_time, fade_out_time, on_color, off_color, n, callback) {
Make the device turn on and off repeatedly.
:param float on_time:
Number of seconds on. Defaults to 1 second.
:param float off_time:
Number of seconds off. Defaults to 1 second.
:param float fade_in_time:
Number of seconds to spend fading in. Defaults to 0.
:param float fade_out_time:
Number of seconds to spend fading out. Defaults to 0.
:param tuple on_color:
The color to use when the LED is "on". Defaults to white.
:param tuple off_color:
The color to use when the LED is "off". Defaults to black.
:param int n:
Number of times to blink; ``None`` (the default) means forever.
if (this._leds[0] instanceof LED) {
if (fade_in_time !== undefined) {
throw new exc.ValueError('fade_in_time must be 0 with non-PWM RGBLEDs');
if (fade_out_time !== undefined) {
throw new exc.ValueError('fade_out_time must be 0 with non-PWM RGBLEDs');
this._leds[0].blink (on_time, off_time, fade_in_time, fade_out_time, n, callback);
this._leds[1].blink (on_time, off_time, fade_in_time, fade_out_time, n, callback);
this._leds[2].blink (on_time, off_time, fade_in_time, fade_out_time, n, callback);
RGBLED.prototype._stop_blink = function () {
/* def _blink_device(
self, on_time, off_time, fade_in_time, fade_out_time, on_color,
off_color, n, fps=25):
# Define some simple lambdas to perform linear interpolation between
# off_color and on_color
lerp = lambda t, fade_in: tuple(
(1 - t) * off + t * on
if fade_in else
(1 - t) * on + t * off
for off, on in zip(off_color, on_color)
sequence = []
if fade_in_time > 0:
sequence += [
(lerp(i * (1 / fps) / fade_in_time, True), 1 / fps)
for i in range(int(fps * fade_in_time))
sequence.append((on_color, on_time))
if fade_out_time > 0:
sequence += [
(lerp(i * (1 / fps) / fade_out_time, False), 1 / fps)
for i in range(int(fps * fade_out_time))
sequence.append((off_color, off_time))
sequence = (
cycle(sequence) if n is None else
chain.from_iterable(repeat(sequence, n))
for l in self._leds:
l._controller = self
for value, delay in sequence:
for l, v in zip(self._leds, value):
if self._blink_thread.stopping.wait(delay):
class RGBLED(SourceMixin, Device):
def blink(
self, on_time=1, off_time=1, fade_in_time=0, fade_out_time=0,
on_color=(1, 1, 1), off_color=(0, 0, 0), n=None, background=True):
Make the device turn on and off repeatedly.
:param float on_time:
Number of seconds on. Defaults to 1 second.
:param float off_time:
Number of seconds off. Defaults to 1 second.
:param float fade_in_time:
Number of seconds to spend fading in. Defaults to 0. Must be 0 if
``pwm`` was ``False`` when the class was constructed
(:exc:`ValueError` will be raised if not).
:param float fade_out_time:
Number of seconds to spend fading out. Defaults to 0. Must be 0 if
``pwm`` was ``False`` when the class was constructed
(:exc:`ValueError` will be raised if not).
:param tuple on_color:
The color to use when the LED is "on". Defaults to white.
:param tuple off_color:
The color to use when the LED is "off". Defaults to black.
:param int n:
Number of times to blink; ``None`` (the default) means forever.
:param bool background:
If ``True`` (the default), start a background thread to continue
blinking and return immediately. If ``False``, only return when the
blink is finished (warning: the default value of *n* will result in
this method never returning).
if isinstance(self._leds[0], LED):
if fade_in_time:
raise ValueError('fade_in_time must be 0 with non-PWM RGBLEDs')
if fade_out_time:
raise ValueError('fade_out_time must be 0 with non-PWM RGBLEDs')
def pulse(
self, fade_in_time=1, fade_out_time=1,
on_color=(1, 1, 1), off_color=(0, 0, 0), n=None, background=True):
Make the device fade in and out repeatedly.
:param float fade_in_time:
Number of seconds to spend fading in. Defaults to 1.
:param float fade_out_time:
Number of seconds to spend fading out. Defaults to 1.
:param tuple on_color:
The color to use when the LED is "on". Defaults to white.
:param tuple off_color:
The color to use when the LED is "off". Defaults to black.
:param int n:
Number of times to pulse; ``None`` (the default) means forever.
:param bool background:
If ``True`` (the default), start a background thread to continue
pulsing and return immediately. If ``False``, only return when the
pulse is finished (warning: the default value of *n* will result in
this method never returning).
on_time = off_time = 0
on_time, off_time, fade_in_time, fade_out_time,
on_color, off_color, n, background
def _stop_blink(self, led=None):
# If this is called with a single led, we stop all blinking anyway
if self._blink_thread:
self._blink_thread = None