const LEDBoard = require ('./LEDBoard.js').LEDBoard;
const inherit = require ('../tools.js').inherit;
const extend = require ('../tools.js').extend;
const exc = require('../exc.js');
exports.TrafficLights = TrafficLights;
* Represents a traffic light device containing red, amber, and green LEDs.
* @param {number} red - The GPIO pin that the red LED is attached to.
* @param {number} amber - The GPIO pin that the amber LED is attached to.
* @param {number} green - The GPIO pin that the green LED is attached to.
* @param {Object} [_options] - Options for device:
* * pwm: default: false. If true, creates PWMLED instances, else LED.
* * initial_value: default: false. If false, all LEDs will be off initially, if true the device will be switched on initialled.
* @augments LEDBoards
* @class
function TrafficLights(red, amber, green, _options) {
"use strict";
const defaults = {
pwm: false,
initial_value: false
this.options = extend(defaults, _options);
if (red === undefined ||
amber === undefined ||
green === undefined) {
throw new exc.GPIOPinMissing('Pins must be provided for all LEDs');
this.devices = [['red', red],['amber',amber],['green',green]];,undefined, this.devices, this.options);
TrafficLights.prototype = inherit(LEDBoard.prototype);
TrafficLights.prototype.constructor = TrafficLights;